You need 6 pieces of fruit each day

These are some of my resent photos. i Kind of like how they turned out

Me, myself and I

10638105_1036205236395643_1075700041_nHi ! My name is Rannvá.
Im a normal teenager from The Faroe Islands. I live in a home with my beautiful family.
My life gets compliated pnce in a while, i get confused about my soial skills, i’m very shy. Currently working at a café in the aiport and going to school, dreaming of becoming a succesful lawyer when i get old(er). Im quite indipendent, but im only human, so i need anothers human support once in a while.
So basically im a shy girl who got some goals in her life. If there is anything you want to know; Ask, i wont bite, i promise 🙂
You are welcome to follow me on instagram: rannvasp